So let’s start from the very basics. What is a lifestyle newborn session? In short, this is a session that takes place in your home and its primary focus is to document the connection and love that the family members have for the new member of their tribe. This can include human and furry siblings, parents, and even grandma if she’s around! These type of session have limited posing (but plenty of guidance) and the emphasis is in displaying (as the name implies) your lifestyle while you’re still getting used to this new normal. Makes sense? ok, great. Let’s move on.
Now, why must you have one? Ok, fine, you don’t HAVE to, I lied. You don’t have to do anything you don’t like to do ok friend? But let me try to convince you :). Let me tell you why I love these type of sessions. But seriously, how could I not? What is not to love about documenting your new bundle of love in its very own home and the place where they probably spend most to those first 3(or so) months of life?…that is, until that day when you’re brave enough to take him/her out into the wild world full of germs and people who want to touch your baby no matter what kind of face you’re making. But let’s not go there (today). Back to the question at hand. I looooove lifestyle newborn sessions (and you should too) because:
Less stress for the fam. You don’t have to worry about leaving the house or making sure you brought the one million things a tiny person needs when leaving home. Think about it, you can stay cozying up with the babe and the photographer will come to you!
No restriction on newborn’s age. It can take place even when babe is a little older. Since there is no intricate posing going on. It doesn’t really matter if the babe is sleeping or not. So, you get to take your time to feel comfortable enough to allow somebody into you home :). I will mention though: If you want pictures of the sleeping babe, you’d definitely want to schedule the session within the first 10 days of life. Newborns are just so much more sleepy during those days. So, keep that in mind when you schedule your session.
You capture the essence of your family. This is probably my favorite one and the reason why I do what I do. When I think of the photos I want to look back on when I get old and wrinkly (many years from now), it always comes down to these type of shots. The ones that give me all the warm and fuzzies because I can just be transported to that moment when I’m looking at an image. You know, the one where I’m rocking my baby on the rocking chair where I spent countless of hours on. The one on his crib, where he also spent so much time on (or your bed if the crib plan did not work out for you :)). Those shots of us in the couch learning to navigate life with the new family member. I mean, those are the shots I want. And yes, I get it, the curly, Ann Guede-like shots are absolutely adorable (and I have nothing against those), but they are just not MY preference. I want to remember my babe just as he/she was, in the most natural state.

Ok, so if I convinced you already, please go ahead and send me an email or leave a comment below. Let’s start planning that session! In the meantime though, here are also a few tips to keep in mind while you prepare for that lifestyle session:
PREPARING YOUR HOUSE: Please do not worry about making your house spot clean! You just had a baby, I get it. Just try and make sure the clutter has found its way to a closet (any closet!). Focus on your master bedroom and/or nursery (if there is one). I love capturing your new family snuggling up on your bed together! Please make your bed (just this once :P) and tidy up your bedroom. Clear nightstands and counters of clutter or distracting elements. I like to use the nursery too whenever possible! I typically shoot a good portion of the session in the nursery.
BEAUTIFUL, NATURAL LIGHT: I ask that you open all of the blinds and curtains in your home prior to my arrival. This enables me to find the best source of natural light in your home, so that I can set up in the best possible location. Nothing flatters like natural light, so I prefer to use it whenever possible 🙂
HOUSE TEMPERATURE: Babies are usually happier when they are warm. A few minutes before I arrive, turn up the thermostat a bit so that the baby can be comfortable for any naked/diaper pictures or if/when there is an outfit change.
BABY FEEDINGS: Please try to feed and burp the baby shortly before your session time. We can absolutely take a break if the baby needs to feed once the session started but feeding the baby before can set us up for a great start
WHAT TO WEAR: I’ve found helpful to tell moms to pick their outfit first and build the rest of the family’s outfits around that. Although I do encourage moms to wear something comfortable and flowy so as not to constrict on their fresh postpartum body, this is definitely up to you. Whatever you feel most comfortable and beautiful in. If you are relaxed and comfortable, the rest of the family will be. As for colors, I find it ideal that colors coordinate, but don’t necessarily match. Since your sweet little baby will be the focus of the session, I suggest neutral colors. Steer away from logo’d t-shirts or bold patterns. Casual clothing is perfect and bare feet look most natural in a home session
PROPS: Lifestyle sessions are mostly prop free and I generally do not bring props with me. However, I encourage parents to have out and ready to use any fuzzy blankets, swaddles/wraps, onesies, headbands, special plush toys, special baby outfits, etc.
–>Are you expecting and considering a newborn session in your home?Please allow me to photograph this very special time for you and your family! Contact me now to book your session!<–